It's been a little quite at Tamar HOPE Designs. We took a family road trip down to Golf Shores, Alabama. It was just amazing! Such a blessing from God to be together and have a chance to relax and soak in the sun.
Our last morning in Golf Shores, we got up early enough to see the sun rise. And I was struck by the majesty and power of our God. He causes the sun to rise every day and paints the sky in brilliant colors whether we are awake to see them or not. We cannot begin to fathom how to create a solar system that functions in this beautiful way, let alone a whole universe. It makes me think of Psalm 113:3 “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.” God is so far above us, and yet, he cares intimately about each of us. “Who is like the LORD our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?” Psalm 113:5-6

The psalm continues “He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes, with the princes of their people. He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD” Psalm 113:7-9. There are so many examples of God acting in this way toward his people. I immediately think of Joseph as one who God lifted from the dust and sat with princes. I think of Hannah as an example of the barren woman being a happy mother of children. It’s amazing that God with all his almighty power, “stoops down to look on us.” He raised us from the dust and ash heap when he sent His Son to die in our place, so that we could be called children of the King and as such inherit heavenly thrones. He certainly deserves all praise! Praise the LORD! Next time you see a beautiful sunrise, think of how our almighty God stoops down to look on you. He cares intimately about you and promises to work all things for your good. He cared so much that He sacrificed His one and only son for you. Since He bought you at such a high price, He will never leave you!
One of my goals with Tamar HOPE Designs is to help you fill your hearts and minds God's world and provide opportunities to dwell on it throughout your day. For these devotional thoughts, I created a mug to help you start your day with praise on your lips. You can find it here.
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